15 April, 2021
The Ancestral Anniversary of Furniture Industry
12 January, 2023

In the context of countries making strict requirements for wood traceability, achieving FLEGT certification is one of the important goals that Minh Duong Furniture Corporation focuses on. Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on forest law enforcement, forest governance and trade (FLEGT – VPA/FLEGT Agreement for short) that Vietnam and the EU signed required. Accordingly, harvested timber must not cause deforestation, forest degradation, loss of biodiversity, natural resources, etc.

According to Mr. Ludovino, the most favorable point is that Vietnam has joined the VPA/FLEGT, between Vietnam and the EU there is also a common interest in forest protection and development in a sustainable way through compliance with the principles. exploitation helps sustainable economic growth associated with biodiversity conservation, expanding the coverage of large timber plantations. The FLEGT/ VPA Agreement is a lever of the process of sustainable forest management and legal timber in Vietnam.

In order to realize the goal of continuing to expand the market, Minh Duong must definitely comply with Vietnamese and international requirements in ensuring legal and sustainable timber in the supply chain.

The company has participated in the business classification assessment process, one of the contents of the VPA/FLEGT Agreement, and has been classified into the group of good compliance (category 1) under the Vietnamese legal timber assurance system ( referred to as VNTLAS for short).

When classified as 1, in the future, it is expected that at the end of 2023, when receiving the FLEGT certificated, the goods of the enterprise will be cleared immediately upon arrival at the border gate and the exporter does not have to carry out additional responsibility for clearance, any legal timber traceability program.

Currently, Europe is one of Minh Duong’s main export markets, and it can be said that FLEGT certification is a green card that helps goods move smoothly and quickly. Both ensure the legality and efficiency in the process of customs clearance. And not only for Europe, Minh Duong also wants to access other markets such as the US, Australia, Japan and Korea to expand the export market of Vietnam’s wood and wood products.

In addition to participating in the forum, Minh Duong has built a product display boost for everyone to refer to. The products on display are guaranteed to be legal and of clear wood origin.

Then, in the afternoon, the company welcomed the delegation to visit the factory and showroom. Presenting the current timber supply chain management model and future efforts with the desire to quickly receive FLEGT certification